Cave of the Fox
The cave was photographed, studied, made known to the speleological world and registered in the Marche Region by the speleological group of Città di Castello in the early 1980s. However, local adventurers have certainly entered the cavity, to whom we owe the name, respected by speleologists.
This cave is almost unique in its kind, opening into the Marly-arenaceous formation, a succession of impermeable and non-corrodible, and therefore non-karstic layers. No speleo-explorer would look for caves in this geological context, but an elder of the place spoke and gave useful information to his discovery, the speleologist Marco Bani, the indication became credible when the speleologists found that the sandstones in that area have a thick layer containing limestone. On reaching the main gallery, it is interesting to note how on the flat “ceiling" a set of shapes tending to be parallel, it is the counter-imprint of the seabed above which a few hundreds of thousands of years ago that stratification lay after the sliding on the submerged slope.
The visit to this cave does not present dangers but it is not advisable to venture alone, both because in the narrow entrance slot, in the case of wet clay, you could find difficulties and because with the guide you can enjoy the explanations and descriptions about this cave that it has no equal, being the result of an almost unique phenomenon and circumstances.