Cantiano – Complex of Saint Augustine
The Museo della Turba (Museum of the Crowd) is the most peculiar contents of the former Augustinian convent, and honours all the people who, across the centuries, have passed down the tradition of the Holy Friday Passion Play thus strengthening the sense of community. The collection is rich in artifacts, interactive reconstructions and appliances, and describes a centuries-old tradition which, from the medieval pageants of flagellants, has evolved nowadays into a spectacular piece of popular sacred theatre.
As a sort of compendium, the Archaelogical and Via Flaminia Museum “G. C. Corsi” provides evocative evidence of the settlements and exchanges among Umbrian, Etruscan, and Picenum populations, as Cantiano used to be their forced crossroads along the Flaminian Way. The historical archives maintaining manuscripts, incunabula, and other precious documents, the conference room with the impressive artworks by Oscar Piattella, and the Capponi Theatre fill other interiors of the complex and best exploit its potential.
Among the mountains Catria and Petrano and the Natural Park of Bosco di Tecchie, with three creeks passing through, Cantiano shows the most attractive natural wonders.
61044 Cantiano (PU)
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T. +39 0721 789936